Saturday 28 February 2009

Baby information on brain development

If you have ever been the parent of a young child, you already know that the excitement and anticipation of watching the child indicating the stages of brain development of your child is picking up the skills expected at a certain age. We also know that parents instinctively that the early installation of any important foundation for our children's future learning. Newborns in the world with sophisticated brains that are naturally wired for intellectual growth. During the first year of life, while your target in May to concentrate on their motor skills, they are more susceptible and more able to develop at any other time in life. This causes early cognitive development for the rest of their lives.

Usually the parents that their change of focus in the second year of life for the development of language. "The reason the language is instinctive because it is to a large extent hard-wired in the brain. Just as we evolve neural circuits for feeding and seeing, as well as our brain, with a sophisticated voice, developed a complex neural circuit rapid to collect, analyze, compose and produce the language " - (Dr. Lise Eliot, neurobiologist, Department of Neuroscience - Chicago Medical School, 1999). The early years are crucial for your baby's brain development and parents should be aware of the information of these 2 important ideas of the current research suggests: Nature versus Nurture. The ability of your baby to learn depends in part on their genes (nature) and partly on the stimulation, care and education they receive, especially their parents (feed). The human brain and its development is designed to meet the most sensitive to experiences that occur during the early years of their lives.

Baby tips of information on brain development:

Interact with your baby using language as much as you can.
Always singing, speaking, even on trips in the car and read many books and stories. Imitate the sounds your baby makes. As you do, your baby begins to understand in both directions, the nature of language and conversation. Say the name of your baby often and talk with variable tones closely so that your mouth can easily be seen in their field of vision. Point of things and say what they are. Some say that May is annoying, but there is evidence indicating "baby talk" actually helps to hear them as they learn the language. Nevertheless, tonal variation is important.

Use touch and massage the baby often. Touch is a vital sense and is the first tool they use to learn about the world. Touch also offers a sense of love and security and, of course, continues to be a fundamental element of our adult lives. Be with your child and the gestures are certainly not discouraged. Over-exaggerated movements to help your baby learn language more quickly than focusing solely on adult language.

Play age-appropriate games that encourage movement. Good nutrition is essential for infant brain development. Brain cells are made up of DHA - an omega-3 fatty acid that provide the natural elements baby brain development. Omega-3 is present in the chest and most forms of milk, so once your child begins to eat solids, ask your doctor about an examination of a food supplement.

Laughing. In addition to making you smile when your baby May you be helping to develop a sense of humor. Babies love it when you do the same to make them laugh every time, and allows them to learn to pay attention, memory and skills.

Music - Babies have a good audience, birth and babies love music. Learning the rhythm of the music is also linked to good math skills later in life. Sing, hum and song at every opportunity and encourage the movement to music.

Baby and child development through play

Very young babies use their senses to play. During the first months of your baby toys are mainly for watching, listening, touching, swatting, but not for operations. You will begin to see the personality of your baby as you get out of these precious first smiles, gurgles and GOOS. Your baby is now ready to play physical experiments. Take cues from your baby when deciding when and how to play. If they are happy and settled, try to play games more active, as cuckoo or "swing", but if they are tired or over stimulated, May they prefer to be rocked or sung. During the first three months, a lot of your baby's first experience to play either with their own bodies. Just look at how babies are fascinated their fingers and toes and use their legs to kick to objects. Homemade Toy Ideas: Create your own portable black and white pieces of white cardboard. Cut the cardboard into different shapes and thread through a string. Draw different geometric shapes (stripes, zigzags, swirls) on each surface. Hang above your crib or changing table.


At about four months, babies more interested in objects. They explore through the mouth, grab, shake and tap to toys must be strong and small enough to be caught, but not so small that they can be swallowed. If you are buying toys, looking for different colors, sizes, shapes, sounds and textures. Between five and seven months, your baby will have more interest to show what they can do with a toy. If your baby is like mine, they like to bang - the stronger the better! Give a baby a block and they bang on the floor, replace it with a cat and they bang it on the floor, provide a toy doll ... you guessed it - bang! If your baby's first words are still a few months, they begin to experiment with different sounds. "Conversation" of games are fantastic to expand their repertoire as well as verbal instruction on infants give and take. Watch how your baby tries to imitate what you say and "attached" conversations. Ask questions of your child and respond with enthusiasm to their answers, feel valued. Babies also love to read - choose books that are simple, with bright images of people, animals or places and including simple rhythmic stories. Homemade Toy Ideas: Make a lift-the-flap book photo - cut four x A4 size pieces of hardboard, glue on pictures of faces or animals favorite people in the life of your baby. Cut the pieces of cotton fabric color - about the size slightly bigger than the pictures. Tape the fabric on the picture above the upper edge only. Punch a few holes in the cardboard and fasten the four pieces together with string to make a book. Make your own sensory mat by sewing different pieces of fabric (eg denim, silk, velvet, felt). Choose contrasting colors, patterns and textures. Or use pieces of cloth to make a soft ball - double stitching, complete with stuffing and a bell - and fix securely.

Your baby has become quite the little scientist - the world is now full of things to discover! Look how they investigate by pushing, pulling, typing, tasting and lower. Older babies to put things in love and out of containers and "posting" of objects (my grandmother for her false teeth air for three days!) Your 10 months spend more time playing with a toy and prefer new toys familiar ones. Crawling gives them more freedom to explore and achieve the objects only works when it happens (usually between 10 and 16 months).

Placing special toys just beyond their reach can encourage exploration. Some babies do not crawl - May you find yours to be very adept at rolling, "commando" around the exploration or shuffling their results. Homemade Toy Ideas: Make your own finger paint using cornstarch, water and food coloring. Spread a few large pieces of paper and tape your baby's diapers. Let the fun of painting on paper, as well as itself (it is natural, it does not matter what goes in your mouth!) Older babies like to play under the supervision of water. Raid your closet for Tupperware beakers and measuring cups of different sizes. Fill a large pail of water, add food coloring for fun. You can use this opportunity to explore the concepts of volume and buoyancy. Include items flowing (metal spoons, keys) and float (sponges, plastic plate).

Wednesday 25 February 2009

I've tried everything but my baby does not sleep yet. What do I do?

For the first six weeks - and sometimes 12 - most babies sleep so erratic. You're lucky if you see a pattern emerging before this date. But after three to four months, you can help your child in a regular pattern of sleep as long as you act consistently and positively. It may be difficult to know what to do for the better, especially when there is so much advice available. But you are the expert of your baby, and you know what will work best for your family. Then decide what you want, then go ahead. Babies are remarkably adaptable - you can teach your baby to sleep without you or with you in your bed or his bed. The choice is yours. But you are much more likely to stick to a plan that feels good for you that you find in a book or magazine. Each time your baby wakes up at night, you'll need to repeat what you do to help him fall asleep for the first time each evening. If you eat, to sleep, he needs you to do the same every time he wakes up, if you leave him alone to sleep, it is expected that. There are only two essential elements for any project: 1. Once you begin a course of action, see para. If you decide you do not go to rock your baby to sleep, but rather place it in his crib drowsy but awake and return to whisper reassurances to him every five or ten minutes, do not after 45 minutes - you have your baby just learned that he is worth his time to persist as long as possible. 2. Give your work time - at least a week or two. Each new plan means that you try to ask your baby to learn a new set of sleep habits. Old habits take time to disappear, and new time to settle. Do not confuse your baby by chopping and changing. Stick to your plan for at least one or two weeks. Your baby will be soothed into sleep by a predictable and relaxing bedtime routine, and you're ready to say good night once you've spent some time being very close with him. It will also be more likely to sleep if you try to avoid letting it fall asleep in the afternoon. If your baby does not sleep forever, despite your efforts, you May find it useful to talk to your health visitor.

Helping your child to talk

How can I help my toddler learn to talk?
How can I help my child communicate?
How can I teach my toddler about truth and falsehood?

(Written by experts in childcare and author Penelope Leach )

Babies have an intrinsic interest in human voices and a natural tendency to listen and concentrate when you are talking about. You can rely on what you've done when your child was a baby. How can I help my toddler learn to talk? Talk as much and as often as you can for your toddler. Try some of these conversations just between you and him. If you talk, or reading, for him and a big sister, your child will not be as much repetition and explain that he can use, and as much as he will if he is alone with you. Watch it while you talk. Let him see your face and your gestures. Let your child see what you mean, by matching what you do what you say. "Off with your shirt," you say, taking it on the head: "Now your shoes", delete them. Let your child see what you feel by combining what you say to your facial expressions. This is not the age for teasing (what age?). If you give him a big hug saying, "Who is the mother of the monster so horrible Grubby?" Confuse you. Your face is saying "Who is the mother of the boy beautiful?" Help your child understand all of your communication, it is not whether it includes your exact words or not. If you cook something, put plates on the table and then take your hand, saying: "It is now lunch time." He understands that his dinner is ready and will include a high chair. It may not having heard the words "lunch time now" without those other cues to go with them. He will learn the meaning of the words themselves through understanding them, again and again, in contexts useful. Share the excitement, emotion and emphasis, if you talk about a flood of love for your child or a flock of rare birds in the sky, these are the qualities of expression that captures and keep his attention and motivate them to try to understand what you are saying. How can I help my child communicate? Advertising Help your child understand that everyone is communication. If you cat away from you, without waiting for an answer or research if you wish, or if you do not bother to reply when he or another family member speak, it is bound to impression that the words are just meaningless sounds. You do not sound like a background noise. If you want the radio on all day, try to keep it to music, unless you are really listening. If you listen, let him see that you have received a communication of voice, he can not see. Act as your toddler the interpreter. You will find much easier to understand its language, to foreigners, and it would be easier to understand, you and other "special" only to understand the unknown people. How can I teach my toddler about truth and falsehood? May your child learn new words and use them properly, but it May miss the subtle meanings of these words for adults. He can not understand the concept of a promise, for example. However, in May he use this word. If you give him five more minutes to play, if he promises to come directly to bed afterwards, he will be happy to say "promise". However, the word is nothing but a label. After five minutes, he wants another five. He can not understand the criticism of your voice as you say, "but you promised." The words are often more harm to the truth, too. May your child be fluent enough to the problem of accusations and denials of time before their accuracy means something to him. He speaks as he feels. It might have been the dog that made the puddle: he wishes and it was said he was. During a quarrel with his sister, he falls and hurts his knee. He says it has pushed - that it did not. But if it did not hurt his knee, it has its bad feelings. He said a feeling of truth that just happens to be different from adults truth. As it develops, you will be able to demonstrate the value of promises made thoughtful and reliable detainees; of truth (in general) said, and is (almost) avoided. But it is too early. Do not corner with concepts that can not understand. He did his best to please, but if nothing less than child standards can you please, it will fail.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Baby bath

The first days with a newborn can be a time for fear of all parents. It is all matter and if they are really capable of the task of parents. Many people are more frightening than the first bath. Hands are wet, slippery baby, hard floor and the new mother's anxiety. But bath time should not be afraid, and it will probably be one of baby's favorite times of the day. Here are some tips to help you relax and enjoy this time with a few of you. Make sure the heater is set at 120 degrees for a baby (or you) are not scalded by burning water. Babies have very sensitive skin and can burn quickly. Invest in a bath thermometer so you can easily check the water temperature before placing the baby in the water. Even with a thermometer, water May be too hot, we recommend you stick to the inside of your wrist in the water for testing. You will soon discover that your wrist has many uses, how to test the temperature of the temperature of your child's forehead! Air temperature is also important during bath time. If it's summer and you have the air conditioning is a good idea to turn it off for a few minutes to let the hot air. You do not want a baby too cold during your shower. After delivery, it is dry and dress, you can turn it on. If in winter, make sure the room is hot. May want to make up the temperature a few degrees until bath time is over. Buy a pair of bath gloves. Bath sponge gloves are gloves that will help keep the newborn, while dragging a washing. No need for a toilet with these gloves. Just put the soap and washing. * Wash baby quickly. If you have a baby, be sure to clean all areas of your penis. For a girl to take all the cracks. This can also be sized for a new mother, but do not worry, it will become more natural. Be sure to only keep a washcloth over the penis of a child who does not get its own shower bathing all of it. As baby grows and evolves to a bath, make you a carpet. You do not want to go to children and slippery. NEVER turn your back on your baby, to give a bath. Have all the equipment on hand around the tub before the bath begins. If you take pictures of the baby shower, make sure the camera is there and ready. Keep the baby until you prepare to take the picture quickly and then replace it. A better idea for this is to have someone with you to take pictures for you. After the bath is faster, the baby wrapped in a towel covering his head. If your baby is a newborn, you need to clean the cord and circumcision as recommended by the hospital or doctor. He is also a great moment for a baby massage or for applying the lotion for baby. Some parents cuddle with your baby while it is wrapped in a towel, but this is generally not recommended for newborns because they need their body temperature more regulated and must be dressed immediately. In the near future, this May be part of your routine. Above all enjoy the moment. As the baby is older, splash and play with them in the water. This is an excellent learning experience for them. List of supplies bathroom: Here is a list of supplies bath. Vai modify the list according to your needs, but make sure you have all the following items before your baby shower, if you do not have to leave baby, even for a second reason to forget something. Baby shampoo Baby soap Washcloth or sponge bath gloves Baby bath Bath seat (for babies who can sit on your own) Hooded towel Bath thermometer Baby Lotion Powder Cotton balls / q-tips (of circumcision and care of the umbilical cord) Alcohol (of circumcision and care of the umbilical cord)

What Parents Should Know

A baby, the rate of development is largely determined before birth, mostly due to genetics. A child who works very probably at the beginning of a parent who has traveled as soon as possible. Few babies are developing at a uniform rate to develop more rapidly in some areas and slower in others. Some babies reach most or all stages of development a little later than "average." As long as the child's development falls within the range that is considered normal, to achieve one or several steps behind is not usually a cause for concern. When a child is still the foundation of development much later than other children, professional consultation is usually warranted. Several areas of development are of interest: motor skills (eg, crawling, walking), fine motor skills (eg, grasp and manipulate objects), receptive (understanding) and expressive (speaking) the language, self-help (eg, feeding, dressing), and social skills and play. While it is important to consider each of these areas, some are more important predictors of development challenges than others. Gross motor tend to be of particular importance to parents. They are readily observable and easy to compare one child to another. The timing of such achievements as the first step is usually easier to identify than the more ambiguous achievements in other areas of development (eg, the baby recognizes its own name). Although steady progress in the development of motor skills is important, the beginning of implementation, such as walking has little relation to later intelligence, and is most likely an inherited trait, like at the beginning or the end of the teeth. Communication and social skills are generally imported into the understanding of a child to progress in development. During the first semester of the first year, the baby of the Commission powers are largely non-verbal. Smiling, making eye contact and turning in the direction of a familiar voice, are all signs that the child is connecting and relating to its social environment. Later in the first year, and begins to babble words start to appear in May. In most cases, a baby vocabulary will continue to grow in leaps and bounds as it moves into the second year. Again, however, is the ability to use language to communicate and relate to the social world that is most important. A child who has a limited vocabulary of words at the end of the second year, but is able to communicate needs through gestures, point to name objects in books, and follow the directions, is most likely not to expose significant developmental delay. The nature of child's play also pro-vides important information on intellectual development. Very young children tend to play with, rather than other children. Early play in much of the body and senses to interact with the environment. Over the years there toddler is a step towards more and claim to play interactive games with other children. Flexibility and creativity increasingly clear that the child begins to engage in symbolic play (eg, using a block to represent a car) and role-playing (eg, "I will be the Mom and baby-you "). Progress towards greater social complexity and play suggests that development in this area is on track. As the most important observers of child development, parents should be aware of behaviors that are typical at a given age, as well as the development of "red flags". There are signs that the development of the child May not be on track: Infants (0-2 years): Little interest in environments and carers Absence or a minimum of contact with eyes or smile Lack of responsiveness to sound Lack of babbling at the end of the first year Failure to walk by the age of 15 months Failure to use the hands to manipulate and explore objects. Toddlers (2-3 years): Little interest in other children The limited use of words or gestures to communicate needs Repetitive non-communication or speech as parrot Very repetitive, non-determined play (for example, focuses only on those parts of these objects of wheels, buttons, obsessively turning the pages of a book without attending the recognition or the content). Preschool children (3-5 years): Speech is very difficult to understand -- Little or no pretend or imaginary play Little interest in social interaction The difficulties of balance, running Difficulty using scissors or crayons, manipulating small objects. What should parents do? Consult your pediatrician for the child and obtain a complete physical examination, including vision and hearing checks. Some apparent delays in child development can be attributed to medical conditions, such as frequent ear infections or impaired vision. Make a list of your questions and provide details and examples of areas that concern you. In many cases, your child's doctor will be able to provide answers and information to relieve your anxiety and will continue to monitor the progress of your child. Keep asking questions, get a second opinion. If you still have concerns, you want May to seek a formal development assessment by qualified professionals. Often, a child psychologist or developmental pediatrician will make an assessment in collaboration with other professionals in the areas of concern. An overall assessment will be to provide a clear description of the needs of your child and their strengths and facilitate the development of plans for education or treatment if necessary. With early intervention, most children make a successful transition to school.

BY : Elizabeth L. Hart, Ph.D. is a clinical child psychologist in private practice, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine


Anyone who has ever been with a toddler knows so much charm and the way how they can be difficult. During this period of development that children with behavioral test of both patience and creativity of their parents. It is more or less inevitable that young children present their parents with challenging behaviors. Toddlers quickly move towards greater autonomy, both physical and social. They are in the process control of locomotion (walking, running, climbing), the control objects (pick up, throw, fall), communication (speaking, shouting, crying), and social interaction (with parents, siblings, peers). They are both very small and relatively powerless, but responsible for the belief that they are entitled to anything they want, whenever they want. Many toddler behavior can be understood in this light. On some level, they understand that they can not do anything they want without the help of parents, but they want everything now. In order to get what they want, they often use behavior handling, try to maneuver the mother to both give the object of desire and also to allow full freedom of action. In addition, they continue to be primarily motivated by the base currency of child behavior - to receive parental attention. From birth, children feed on demand and supply almost unlimited attention. Even toddlers while trying to strike on their own, they require the attention of their parents. As adults, we tend to be both frustrated and intrigued by the behavior. It is surprising to discover the effectiveness of our emotions toddlers buttons and the gusto with which they are based on them. If we limit or deny anything, they suddenly unleash their ultimate weapon - The Tantrum. Anger is the definitive expression of these conflicts and motivations of toddlers. It represents: The level of frustration toddlers feel at not being able to dominate the world because they believe they should; An attempt to manipulate the parent by doing what their desires and toddlers; An attempt to draw attention to the behavior of the mother of toddler sense can not ignore. I, for many years as a parent, teacher, and pediatrician, developed the following guidelines to help them cope and survive the toddler years: 1. HIDE buttons. Try to give your toddler that few clues as possible about the particular behavior that will drive you crazy. 2. BABY PROOF YOUR ENVIRONMENT. Establish the environment to maximize the passive controls on the behavior of young children (eg, cabinet locks, doors and other physical controls that do not need your assets in real time intervention ). This allows you to minimize the negative effects of interactions necessary to maintain the toddler and your property safe. 3. THE WORDS UNDER THE BETTER. Used in lengthy explanations for correct behavior are lost on toddlers. If anything, the time and attention in May act to reward the behavior you are trying to correct. 4. MINIMIZE YELLING. Toddlers will be free to cry and it makes you feel out of control. 5. PICK your battles carefully, and win. It makes no sense to try to correct all the little details of a toddler behavior. Your toddler has more energy to engage in behavior that you. If you choose a behavior is unacceptable, then stick to your guns. If you give in the message is that the toddler, he can get what he wants with persistence. 6. TO MEET anger, protect and back. When the inevitable crisis occurs, make sure your child is not in a position where it can hurt, then back off and to move by itself if possible. Do not reward the crisis carefully, and not to yield to the demand grew. Your child needs to develop a knowledge we all need - under the control of his emotions for himself. 7. Remember: It does not last forever. The toddler years do not come to an end. Of course, you have the future pleasures of parenting in front of you, such as adolescence - but it is for another time ....